
Nutrient Management Program

The Kent Conservation District currently has two certified nutrient management planners. These planners are available to create Nutrient Management Plans at no cost to anyone who farms land in Kent County and is required to have a (NMP). Any farm operator who is not required to have a NMP but would like one created for them can be put on a first come first served list. In addition to the conservation district, private certified nutrient consultants can create Nutrient Management Plans. The Delaware Department of Agriculture has cost share available for land owners using private consultants. A list of Certified consultants is available below.

The Kent Conservation District also provides cost share for Best Management Practices, used to reduce the risk of excess nutrient contamination in ground and surface waters. A list of the Best Management practices (BMP’s) is available below.


The Delaware Nutrient Management Commission has regulated any landowner or Operator who meets the standards below to have a Nutrient Management Plan (NMP):

  • All persons who operate an animal feeding operation in excess of 8 animal units (1 AU = 1,000 pounds) must develop and implement a nutrient management or animal waste plan.
  • All persons who control/manage property in excess of 10 acres where nutrients are applied shall develop and implement a nutrient management plan.

To manage those activities involving the generation and application of nutrients in order to help maintain and improve the quality of Delaware’s ground and surface waters and to help meet or exceed federally mandated water quality standards in the interest of the overall public welfare.

More Agricultural Resources

Thank You to Our Partners at Delaware USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service for Their Support!

USDA in Delaware is a federal agency that help farmers, foresters, and landowners help the land by providing technical and financial assistance to implement scientifically proven conservation practices. 


Soil Conservation Technician